Saturday, June 4, 2011

A series of Sneaks

I started this piece April 4th, 2011, after an epic weekend in Toronto. 2 months later I typed the remaining 30 words and here we are. Enjoy yo self!

A series of Sneaks: 3 thoughts from a bleak Monday, or what I like to think of as my 808's and heartbreaks of blogs.

1) R.I.P. The weekend

Every once in a while we have a weekend so great, it basically leaves me saddened by its swift and immediate departure. Not full-on depressed or anything remotely legit, just pining for the days of...Saturday. I know, it doesn't make all that much sense, but last weekend was so effing good it basically made my Monday feel bleak. And not just in the "somebody’s got a case of the Monday's" type of sadness either, more just me moping around in my track pants. Maybe I'm just a sucker for nostalgia, or maybe I’m just exhausted from staying up all night drinking. Regardless, Monday morning I found myself listening to Exile on Main Street (have you heard about this new band? They're are little aged but...) and put together the finishing touches on a soon to be epic Facebook album while feeling less than spectacular. Or maybe I just really didn't feel like doing my taxes.

PS: This is why North Americans are falling behind and widely resented by the rest of the world. We spend the weekend getting our rocks off then spend they next day bitching about our better than most - current state of affairs.

2) All my Friends or Everything is Illuminated

Would it make sense if I had too many good friends? What if I had too many great friends? Didn't Hitler have the same problem? Because of my work situation I spend fourth months out of the country, then I'm back for two. Its the shot gun approach (hobo with a shot gun?) to making money and making friends. Its all or nothing, and I'm all in all of the time. I leave, and leave everything behind, only to return to an orgy of keg parties, Caesar breakfasts and Girl Talk themed dance nights. I’ve been close to being thrown out a window to 2 of those events (true story!). My two months is spent traveling from city to city, catching up with old friends in order to make new memories we’ll speak fondly about in 4 months time. I’m like a troubadour with a time machine and a Cesar kit. “This feels vaguely familiar…so are you making Cesar’s?”

3) One great city
I'm making a push for all my friends to someday come back to Ottawa. I know I'm the least likely candidate seeing as I'm rarely around, but sometime in the not so distant future I'd like to see all my friends back in our original habitats; like bears slowly venturing back to their own neck of the woods. I know its a stretch, and to be fair a bit of compromise, but this is our home, and this is where we're from. Montreal has the culture, Vancouver the Mountains, and Ottawa? Well it has the memories. We grew up here, so lets grow old here.

Editor’s Note: Before I could even think about finishing third thought a friend in Toronto (and half my reader base) started a similar campaign to move back to Ottawa. One great city indeed.

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